Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Low Cost Variety In Container Gardening

Container gardening can be low cost. You do not need fancy containers. Almost anything can work as a container. If it has enough space and drainage holes or you can add drainage holes then it will work. The plants are not too picky as long as they get food, water and sun. You can actually get very creative and add an eclectic look to your garden by using a variety of interesting containers.

Who Can Do It

Anyone can grow a container garden. Form someone with limited space who lives in an apartment to a person out in the country who just doesn't want the hassle of a large garden. Plants that grow well in containers range from vegetables to flowers to fruits, so a person can create any type of garden they desire. The only real restrictions are choosing the right plants so they have enough room to grow and your imagination and creativity.

Some Specifics

When choosing plants and containers it is always best to keep in mind that each plant has its own particular needs. Some plants will need a larger container so they can grow and not be inhibited. Also, perennials may not work well in containers because they need to be able to 'hibernate' during the winter months in warmth that can only come from underground. You may also want to consider the weight depending on where you are putting the containers and if you are planning on moving them once you have everything planted.

Plant Choices

The choices in plants to use is great. There are many plants that grow well in a small space. You just need to make sure that the plant does not need a lot of underground space. Potatoes, for instance, do not do well in a container unless you can provide a very deep container, since they grow underground. Tomatoes, however, are a perfect container plant. Do a little research before shopping or ask for advice from the staff where you shop.

Container Options

Choosing containers can be fun. You can buy them or even use things you have around the house. An old boot can be the perfect thing in which to grow some flowers. Old buckets are great, too. Of course there are the plastic containers that are cheap to buy. You also do not have to be limited to containers that sit on the ground. You can try hanging baskets and even a trellis or a pole.